Monday 19 January 2015


Be a programmer

 Let us imagine that there was an industry which do manufacturing using 100s of automatic programmed robots. On those robots three robots were having different thoughts and they always speak about escaping from the industry to be independent outside. One day, according to their intelligence level they were seriously discussing about escaping from the industry. They discussed the difficulties in escaping the industry, and one robot said that it has been said that the industry is surrounded by a very big compound wall.  They decided to meet next day, each with an idea to cross the wall.
Next day the 3 again met to discuss about escaping plans, Robo 1 said I was trained for climbing up towards the tall machines, I’ll steal the ladder and hide it somewhere. So we can climb the wall and escape from here
Robo 2 said I was programmed and trained for breaking rocks, I will steal the hammer from my work place and will hide it at a place, if the wall is taller than ladder, we can break the wall and escape from here.
Robo 3 didn’t had any idea it took care of arranging and processing the plans, and three were satisfied with their plans.
The day arrived Robo 1 and 2 wer getting ready to escape, Robo 3 came to them crying
“we are being  cheated, we can’t escape, our life will end here in this industry, we r not going to be independent anymore”
1 & 2 asked together “what the hell happened did anybody found our plans”
3 replied “even if that had happened we could have executed our plan some other day”
1&2: then what the hell happened?”
3: we planned to climb the wall using ladder, if it is tall we planned to break it
There is no such compound wall out there! then how the hell we can execute our plans!!!!”
Robo 1 understood the situation and consoled 2&3, and they three together took a decision that
“this is a place to be highly secured, robots are that much dangerous, so surely one day they will construct the wall , and we are going to execute our plans on that day, let us believe in ourselves!”
Now come to the real world , now replace these robots with youngsters,  youngsters are programmed with such imaginary compound walls in this corporate world, for example take this: when an Indian youngster starts thinking about earning , when he completes education, surrounded with family problems, financial problems, marriage, children…. These are the walls which is constructed around an Indian youth, only then he starts executing his plans which is mostly getting an job which is another chain being  tied around him….
why cant a student earn , innovate, execute while he learns, when there is no such walls, the time when he can fly high, take a student’s life,
24 hours can be divided as follows,
                8 hours= sleep and other daily routines
                8 hours =college
                8 hours-??? Fb, chat, tv, play, sit simply?????

The last 8 hour is the time which should be managed, you are programmed that you are meant to be ordinary human being, when you break that program and write your own program and become a programmer you become extraordinary!!!!! If you really feel that 8 hours in college and 8 hours in job after education is going to help you to survive in life, then believe me , this special extra 8 hours is surely going to make you the extraordinary…. Start your fight now not when you are surrounded by the wall!! Break the mindset! Break the program! Be a programmer!!!!!

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