Saturday 21 February 2015


To all those singles out there!!!
Yet you didn't find your love?
The one whom you found to be your love, was not exactly the one you needed?
Let’s take a break!!
Let’s not love before we actually know what love is.
Let’s just not implement trial and error method in choosing a life partner.
It makes damage at both ends.
Choosing the wrong one and being with them hurts even more.
Nobody is good or bad; it’s about finding the right partner.
Good, bad differs with each.
It’s important to find the exact love, real love to avoid landing in desert in search of palm tree.
First of all, never think of getting a partner, before you love yourself. When you are not in love-with you, when you don’t love yourself, it’s difficult for you to understand who you are. Love yourself first.
Love your family.
“The first thing you need to think, when choosing a girl is whether she will be perfect with your family”- TT.Rangarajan (UNPOSTED LETTER)
It’s easy to say it’s my life. Yes it’s your life. But every time since you born you are your parents life. You have your dream of your life may be for last 5 -6 years. They have their dreams about your life at least 10 months more than your age. Without knowing you, loving your family you are unfit to choose your better half.
"The best thing occurs by itself when believed"
When it occurs you will feel it. You will never think about it. Feeling is different from thinking.
You ought to find your better half only when you know better about you than anybody.
It’s not as simple as buying a mobile phone and replacing it later with a better one because your requirements are realized later.
One of my friend use to give this advice whenever we speak about love:
“Saying YES too soon, saying NO too late is always dangerous in love"
It’s good to wait really wait till you start feeling and stop thinking.
The number of Dropped love stories might be higher than the successful and failed love stories together.

 “You are gifted when you are the first love of a woman or the last love of a man”
Read it somewhere.Being a man I am sure about the latter.
Love yourself, your family, what you do, love everything around and wait for the moment, the moment you feel it.
But the problem is in finding the difference between feel and think.
That is what everybody says it should come from heart not from mind.
Heart makes you feel. Mind makes you to think.
Mind gives you instant answers. Heart makes you to understand answers.
Understanding always takes time.
I may be wrong for many. But I am sure I will be right for somebody!!!
Love is everything. It is in everything, with everybody.
Doing a mistake is ok.
But the actual mistake is when we do the same mistake again.
After all, what you believe makes the difference.
I always believe no matter what the best will always reach me in any form. Even if I settle with the worst life throws me out and pushes me towards the best.


Tuesday 10 February 2015


 The most important question one has to find answer in his lifetime.
But this question is perceived as simple as possible because of its frequent usage and under estimation of one’s own power. Every person will come across this question often in his life time.
But the magic happens when he asks this question to himself.
Imagine and just recollect the answers you made to this question when it is asked to you over years.
Let me take myself as an example.
Who are you:
Am sathish, studying lkg, son of…….
This might be the first answer to this question from us which is most probably taught by our parents and teachers.
After some years it became like
Am…….studying……. Son of …. I want to be an engineer sometimes doctor, District collector, Actor........
Then it goes like
Am. Studying……Engineering
Am…. Working for…..
Am…. Husband/wife of
Am…………..father of….
Am……….who worked as.
Finally wen am in death bed some people might answer for a question and the answer might be it’s a dead body!!!
Often basic identities are perceived as purpose of life
Yes it’s a body, it is just a body when our soul rented it to make into the world.
Most people make this question as simple as possible where they answer to it with their past, their education, their family, their profession. But the magic happens only when you ask this question ‘who are you’ to yourself in front of the mirror. That is the moment, you will realize the importance of this most valuable question?
“Who are you?”
Answer this question in future perspective
It’s not about who you were, who you are now, but it’s actually who you are destined to be, finding the reason you are here in this world.
The future you matters.
It took me 4 years to understand the real meaning of this question.
The first time I asked this question my answer was I want to be rich
Then, I wanted to be an entrepreneur, later a social activist.
After sometime I wanted to be an author, motivational speaker and it goes on depending on my intentions.
Later I understood it’s a journey. Find the real who you are, who you are destined to be, You reach the destination at the end of the journey…..but the journey starts only when you start asking the question to yourself.
Ask as much as time you can and you will find as much as answers every time but answers will be bigger than your answers to others when they asked the same question to you.
Find the you, within you not from others, not from your past, not from your present. This very first question you ask within you will awake the person inside you, who will make wonders, who will make everything possible for you, who will make you to believe that you can move mountains!!!
When you reach your destiny, when you become who you are destined to be, the world will answer to the question who are you??
Ask the magical question now!!! Prepare the answer!! Who you want to be in next 5 years! Next 10 years! Next 20 years! You will find the answers in your own journey!!!

Let’s start our journey!! The real journey towards your destiny starts when you start asking the question who are you- and find the answer within you!!!!